Aris- Arnelle Durocher
You know I am not watching the Olympics
as a form of protest against Russia's dictator Vladmir Putin. I
choose to side with humanity and Putin just does not cut the mustard
in terms of being observant of human rights of people in his country
and other countries. The fact that he aids Syria's Assad with arms
and that thousands of Syrians have been murdered by the Assad regime
should have caused red flags in terms of what country the Olympic
games would be hosted. Here I was in my sabbatical mode and now I am forced to come out of it. Mike Babcock wants to talk about trust. Damn straight there is a trust issue only it doesn't have anything to do with not being able to trust PK Subban as an accomplished always striving hockey player!
That said, I may not be watching the
Olympics however I am reading and am dismayed at how Canada continues
to reveal its bigotry against black players in the NHL and on International levels. We already know how
bigoted Canadian authorities are against Indians but it has been long
forgotten about the discriminatory racist attitude towards black
people in this country that exists to this very day in Canada.
talk about PK Subban. Here is a young black man who has did
everything right to basically be a well rounded person that is
acceptable in this country. He is a superb athlete, loyal and
dedicated. If this isn't racism, then what is it? Because Babcock's choice is not based on PK Subban's talent , the skill he has to put points on the board or that he is not a willing participant as a team player. In fact Subban is a very unselfish player in the NHL. Watch him play he never hogs the puck he will pass it to anybody that is in better position then him to score!
Subban has contended with his NHL coach Michael Therrien who
was running down Subban until the fans took position
against Therrien. Now PK Subban the reigning Norris Trophy winner ,
the best defense men in the league has to be brought down once again
by the Caucasian man!!!!!! FYI Olympic Coach Mike Babcock has been called a racist before by others against other groups of peoples aside from Black people. So there seems to be a consistency in Babcock's demeanour.
Yes I am going to say it because it
needs to be said to what is truly going on here! Yes I dare to go there since Mike Babcock and others dare to go there!
Some will
argue that PK's attitude is the right attitude where he is humble.
However I argue being an older person with over fifty years of life experiences it is in
my view minorities must never succumb to discrimination anywhere. It
is in my view that the people of the world has changed and we no
longer accept degradation of a person because of their race/color.
See we all understand where PK Subban is coming from being in the
position he is in. However the rest of us will pick up the slack NOT
just for PK or minority hockey players or any other player in pro sports. We speak out for ourselves, our children's
and families future and for humanity in general.
Please read this article on Babcock- Mike Babcock Awful Racist!- I think the author of this piece had Babcoks' number a long time ago!
This is about a long standing battle for
equal rights and to be treated as such by people of other colors.
also argue that Olympic coach Mike Babcock is shoveling the crap when
he talks about trust and that is why PK was scratched with the only one other player scratched to make it look like it isn't bigotry.
my question to Babcock is this, PK Subban is slated to play in game
two which will be tomorrow. In one day Babcock will finally be able
to trust PK Subban. In one day. Really. Ha ha ha ha, some people may
want to delude themselves into thinking minorities are stupid and we
don't see what this is, and again I caution the hockey hierarchy they
would be wrong.
Who in their right mind would believe that a
person can do a 180 degree turn and start trusting a player in one
day. Right. Bullshit Babcock.
There is absolutely no excuse
NOT to play the only black player in the Olympics who is the Norris
Trophy Winner whatsoever!
In case Babcock missed it here is
PK Subbans Stats
Recorded his 100th career assist in the NHL
on Nov. 27 at BUF… Led the team in Nov. in points (12, tied with A.
Markov) and in differential (+5)… Ranked tied for 3rd among NHL
defensemen in Nov. in points (12) and tied for 4th with 10 assists…
Blocked 5 shots on Dec. 5 vs. NJD and on Dec. 14 at NYI… Completed
5 hits on Dec. 15 vs. FLA… Scored a goal on 6 shots, and displayed
a +3 differential on Dec. 21 at NSH… Amassed 2 points (1-1-2) and 5
shots on Dec. 31 at CAR… Led the team in Dec. in average time on
ice per game (25:50)… Tied two personal-highs with 3 assists and 4
points, with 6 hits and a +3 differential on Jan. 2 at DAL… Scored
the overtime winning goal on Jan. 16 at OTT… Led the team in Jan.
with 6 assists (tied with B. Gallagher and M. Pacioretty)…
Does Mike Babcock still want to give Canadians a lame excuse
on TRUST. Get Real Babcock. You know some Canadians like to
camouflage their racism as a polite act. I will also extend that the race
card can be played both ways and I would be remiss in saying that
some Caucasian people play the race card very well!!!!
bottom line IMO PK Subban is a healthy scratch because Babcock is
acting like an ardent bigot! Who just has to ensure that a young
black man buckles under his Caucasian authority and knows his place
as a black man, not the Norris Trophy winner. Oh yeah !!! We mustn't
forget the dominance and the history of what the outcome of a bigot
attitude against all minorities through the course of time.
The very bottom line if PK Subban was Caucasian and
the Norris Trophy winner he would be playing in today's Olympic
Here is a novel thought for the NHL for the future of
the game and future fans. When you want to expand and cater to other
people of color you may enjoy more fans then you can imagine. Perhaps your seats will be constantly filled!
Example just look at basketball and look at the players and
then look at the fans who are loyal to the game, their chosen teams.
How much does basketball players make?
Now look at
the fans a very wise mixed medley of people/fans including the
minority black person attends those games, buys memorabilia. Why do
we see more black people at basketball and other sports events.
Because they see representation of their people through the players
on the teams and in those leagues.
And you see it all through
the various sports league with different minority players and fans of
other colors buying tickets and becoming interested in the game.
question is how much does the NHL want to expand and come into the mindset of the 99 percent today.
Canadians really want to be represented internationally as the NHL is
showcasing in terms of trying to make a black player grovel to dominant supremacy! I think not! This is ridiculous, it really is and
it deplorable, shameful and dishonorable.
I will end this with this quote from the article I have inserted in this article about Babcock
Setoguchi’s Western Canada-ness it counterbalanced by his Japanese-ness, Babcock. Geez, get your stereotypes straight.
Excerpt from article-In conclusion, Mike Babcock is not technically as bad as the KKK, but it's a photo finish.
Finally some folks feel that openly talking about the apparent bigotry against PK Subban will come to hurt him. I beg to differ, on many accords. If bigots want to exercise their discrimination then we need to have the conversation and help racists along into what era this is and that racism has no place in any societies into today's world. Its that simple!
In ending PK Subban has to be complicate
given the position he is in, the rest of us don't have to be. And now
Babcock has a problem! Lucky for him that I came out of sabbatical mode!
Grin- I love my Blackness, my Indian, my Irish and my French. I love my people from the walks of life I come from and they are worth fighting for! J/S