Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mob Wives Season 5 Reunion- Street Justice Vs Crime Stopper's Justice- And The Winner Is

Aris Durocher

What a riveting reunion. That was quite the knock down drag down and up episode. Despite what some folks thought,Vivica Fox is exactly the right person to host the reunion this season. She can keep up with the Mob Wives women and men in which the ladies can be very volatile when they choose to be.

I had many thoughts on watching the Reunion part one so where do I start. Hhhmmmm lets start with the fact that anybody that ever lived and/or experienced a similar street background KNOWS full well that neither London nor Natalie Guercio knows NOTHING about this type of life style. Karen Gravano knows it as did many Mob Wives viewers including me that Natalie Guercio is really dumb and uneducated when it comes to the streets. After all the streets is a unique education in itself. Frankly Natalie Guercio would NEVER make it in the realm of the street life, she simply has way to big of a mouth, that she can't back up. And even if a person knows how to back up their mouth, one needs to also know when to shut up within the street life sub cultural.

No matter what sub cultural in the streets one comes from, this type of life experience is very similar on many fronts into dimensions. There are variants to the street community however the code of the streets is usually the same. Such as you didn't hear nothing, you didn't see nothing and you don't know nothing.

On terms of Rat I do agree with Storm, one simply can't have it both ways. One can't talk the talk of the streets then walk the walk of a law abiding citizens if you will. Storm is exactly right it does NOT work that way. And anybody coming from that background realizes it.

As an Example. One may grow up in that background and choose a different life as they become adults, however, one does not get to go back and forth into it, either you are in it or you are not. It's that simple.

Having said that, if one comes from that background that they were born into it, even though some depart from it in adulthood, one is never really fully out of it. Why not? Because they are born into it on a level of family. People don't usually abandon their family, however, most that depart from this life,  for a different life, manage to keep a respectable balance on what is the expectation of the streets. One can't be in and out as Natalie G demonstrates, as Storm said it does NOT work that way. 

I am going to also extend what I think Storm and Karen G were saying about how London and Natalie G dealt with London's alleged attack. What Karen Gravano and Storm  were trying to explain that if you are from the streets, living the life of the streets then those people that come from the street background KNOW about STREET JUSTICE. Yes there is such a thing as street justice which typically called for London to handle his business on the level of Justice street style. An eye for an eye so to speak.  ( If London was truly from the streets). Both Natalie Guercio and London ran and called 911 and then Natalie was online asking for people to call crime stoppers, or tell her so she/they would press charges.That is not a street person's response at all. 911 is the last thing on a person living that life's mind. They would normally prefer to die a thousand painful deaths then pick up the phone and call 911.

Now some argue that London had the right to pursue his attacker legally. Storm and Karen seem to be saying that Natale and London cannot have it both ways. If you are a law abiding non street person, that's fine, but own it and owe up to it. You can't USE the streets when its good for you and most certainly Natalie G is NOT impressing anyone from that background. IE: Anything that Natalie spews about how tough she thinks she is , has been heard before. However she looks dumb for trying to walk a walk that she has no idea what is in that background.

Let me give you an example of street justice and where I come from how our families and in particular our fathers dealt with issues or anyone that tried to harm their families. One of our family friends daughter had this boyfriend who decided he was going to try and pimp her. One night he beat her up and he beat her where it could not be detected on her stomach and back. And he had the nerve to demand she not go home and tell her parents/family. He thought he beat her enough that she would be to afraid to tell her family. Well, he was wrong and she did tell her mother who alerted her husband. This girl's father and brothers went out immediately looking for her soon to be ex boyfriend by her father's insistence. In street justice matters are usually dealt with in a timely effective manner. Anyhow they found her ex boyfriend and they beat him within an inch of his life and broke his legs. Her father assured the ex boyfriend if he ever went anywhere near his daughter again he would kill him. That is an example of street justice and support to where I came from. Nobody messed with us they didn't want to see our fathers coming for them, in fact when some idiots decided to be stupid, they would go into hiding from our fathers. Where I come from we had support with our fathers and families with these type of messy ordeals. No police was required.

Here is another example of a person with no supports who died. There was a girl and a beautiful looking girl at that, who had a boyfriend that was abusive in the most violent ways. This girl could have been a model. Every time she was beaten up her family and friends tried to get her away from this abusive bastard. She kept going back to him on his fake promises that he would change. She eventually had a baby with him.

One day he took to beating her again only this time he beat her to death. Apparently she was in the ambulance saying over and over again I don't want to die.  This is where I strongly advise women, if you have no supports ladies/girls you call the police and you press charges!

Men never have the right to beat women. Ladies do not hesitate if a man beats you to press those charges if you have no supports, it can mean life or death of your safety and well being.

Again if anyone dares to call a women and/or child  in a violent predicament a rat, screw them. It is you and maybe your children's lives in jeopardy not theirs.

And I could tell you other stories of domestic violence on women, some who survived and some who did not. However that is for another day.

There are some issues that come up in communities such as Native ones that the Police are not helpful in domestic violence complains. Again this is for another day that I plan on writing about that soon.

That said. Karen Gravano is not responsible for what her father did no matter what reason Sammy Gravano had at the time of his loyalty departure from the Mob.  It has nothing to do with Karen.  Just like it has nothing to do with Renee or AJ what Jr Pagan did. Karen nor Renee did not give anybody up. It really is that simple.

However truth be told John Gotti got himself
and everyone else including Sammy the Bull when he forgot the one important rule of the Mob was silence, keep your thoughts to yourself etc... The FBI got Gotti on undeniable tape recording and because of it he was the reason Sammy the Bull and others were arrested. Everybody seems to forget that part of what happened and why Karen's father decided to help himself.

Having said that, it doesn't take away from the fact that Sammy the Bull or John Gotti did murder people and those families do have issues with the Gotti's and Gravano's. With that said, it still does not make the offspring/family members of either John Gotti or Sammy Gravano responsible for what their fathers did in life. Their families don't own it. I provided a link to the real deal of what went down with the Gotti/Gravano mishap.

Don't Blame Sammy "the Bull" Gravano for John Gotti's Conviction

I personally would love to see Victoria Gotti and Karen Gravano hash it out. Then again, as Renee said they really can't talk about some things. There is a fine line there. a boundary so to speak within the street code.

Somebody tweeted that Natalie G needs to show exactly where and who Karen G ratted out. Natalie G is not able to do this because Karen has not did any such thing.

Natalie G's brother is a respected detective so she tells us. So hypothetically speaking if her brother ever came under scrutiny of being a dirty cop, would it be fitting to blame Natalie G and her other family members for her brothers misgivings and actions. NO. Natalie G needs to cut the crap, its bullshit. And using Karen's father as she did is really pathetic and inane.

And anyhow who the hell is Natalie G? The moral compass of the mob. Seriously.

I also agree with Storm when he uttered that Natalie G's brother is no longer respected. That is most likely true due to Natalie's demeanor and the fact she likes to expose her wares at all times. It must be embarrassing for him or perhaps not depending on what type of Police Officer he is. Grin

Moving along, I like Big Ang. I understand why she would become fighting mad and upset when anybody talks about her family. Its a normal human reaction when somebody is cutting down somebodies family. I am just wondering why Big Ang does not see it the same way, with Natalie G talking about Karen and Renee's families in such derogatory ways?

Moving on, I for one will be waiting in anticipation for both London and Natalie G to tell Sammy Gravano all that they had to say about him to his daughter Karen Gravano
. I want to see if they will have the balls to say all that they had to say about his daughter Karen G and other family straight to Sammy the Bull's face. I am waiting for London to man up and Natalie G to woman up. Lets see if it happens when he gets out. Will they say it straight to his face? I doubt that very much.

As for Natalie using the excuse her whole issue is because she is sticking up for her friend Alicia DeMichelle who by the way got four years probation for stealing from a Union Welfare Fund. I am pretty sure that Alicia DeMichelle's husband can handle his own affairs. Did DeMichelle's husband personally ask Natalie G to do this on his behalf. It was his father that was murdered on orders from the Mob, not Natalie G's. To me Natalie G is using this to have something to say,its not her business, like so much is not Natalie G's business.

Moving on to Drita. Some tweeted she was to quiet. I think Drita has changed and she is walking down a slightly different path. In fact the Original Mob Wives cast from seasons one and two are trying to change their lives into one that maybe different and better. Her kids are growing up, she is busy with them, her business. Drita D'avanzo is not quiet she is just busy and doesn't seem to have to much to add at this point. I do agree that Drita did flip flop back and forth. Was that out of confusion?

However Drita did in past seasons and part of this season go back and forth to much. She needs to learn its usually not her problem, let those fighting, do what they must. Stop playing referee, it will get Dirta nowhere. And she simply does not need to go back and forth and be in it all the time. If Drita is carving out a new productive life for her and her family. So what, let her. The other Mob Wives ladies all seem to be trying to carve out a different life for themselves. Let them. What's the issue, if they seek changes. More power to the Mob Wives ladies of Big Ang, Carla, Drita, Karen, Ramona, Renee. Go on ladies climb that mountain of change and make it happen. :D

I think Drita is also pissed off that Natalie Guercio lied to her and she believed her. If it is any consolation to Drita, at least once in most peoples lives somebody has lied to them and sometimes a person likes another person to such a degree they don't want to see their lies and bullshit. I think Big Ang Raiola is exhibiting the same mindset as Drita, of not wanting to believe what they see deep down in Natalie Guercio. 

Only Natalie Guercio doesn't deserve that supportive friendship based on what she is saying and doing. As it stands now she really didn't have a reason to go after Karen Gravano and through it she has practically ruined friendships no matter what degree of friendship.|

This was quite the knock down dragged out and down fight and next week it seems to continue to the point of an all out Brouhaha between Natale DiDonato and Natalie Guercio.|

Extra: Now Natalie G is fighting with Vivica Fox. Sheesh Natalie has a vicious mouth and makes up complete lies.  Natalie G doesn't feel she got enough air times. Really could have fooled me. Anybody watching knows that if Vivica didn't cut her off Natalie G would have talked through the entire episode.

In ending there is no winner whether one chooses Street Justice or Crime Stopper justice. It is a matter of perspective and lifestyle. However as mentioned in this article one simply can't have it both ways. It does not work and will not work.

Side Codicil: As always Mob Wives Producers please bring back Ramona Rizzo. Please :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Canada's Question Period- Stephen Harper Robust Deflective Deceit

Today's Parliamentary Question Period: In part

Aris Durocher

Thomas Mulcair - NDP

Why were Kurdish forces not made aware of the presence of Canadian Forces on the Front Lines.

Stephen Harpoon- Cons

This was not combat, this was friendly fire incident. Sergeant Andrew Doiron and his colleagues did not expect to come under fire. At this point Harpoon tries to divert attention by stating he received a condolence call from the PM of Iraq and that Harper spoke to Sgt Doirons family to give condolences and to thank them for his service. (snip) Could fool most surviving Canadian Vets on how much respect Harperville has for Military soldiers.Cutbacks and open public disrespect doesn't lie on the true position of the Harper Government's thought on Vets and it is nothing short of contemptuous, deceitful, ignorant, indifferent, inflammatory, mean spirited, ruthless and unapologetic.

Mulcair – States that Stephen Harper/Cons are insulting Sgt. Doiron by denying he was killed in combat. As a comparison Mulcair asks can Stephen Harper explain what is the difference between Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan under similar circumstances and the death of Sgt. Doiron.

Harpo repeats the same jargon that soldiers were not in combat and did not expect to come under fire from anybody particularly not their “ PARTNERS”. Harpoon then moves in for full volume exploitation and says it doesn’t change the fact that this is a dangerous mission, there are risks and thank GOD that we have men and women that are willing to go to places such as this so they don’t come here.  (snip) Yes thank the creator that we have election stealing, bearing false witness and testimony Con MP’s like Stephen Harper that is willing to go the distance and do what it takes when he and his former co instigator John Baird practically invited ISIS/ISIL to fight them on our CDN shores.

Mulcair- Shot a dirty look at somebody as if to say LIAR.

Mulcair asserted there is no difference they are ALL combat deaths. Mulcair asks Harpoon again. Why are Canadians Soldiers on the Front lines without Parliamentary Approval.

- Canadians soldiers are working on the mission and mandate they were given and made quite clear.

Mulcair retorted with his thoughts on simple reality. He said when you are so close to the front lines and being shot by your Allies it’s because you are being mistaken for the enemy. It’s because you are on the Front Lines it is because you are in combat. Mulcair once more issues his question. Why are Canadian Soldiers on the Front Lines. That is not what this parliament voted on. Why is Stephen Harper allowing it.

Harpoon tried to capitalize on his version of the truth which is the NDP voted against it. That the Cons voted to put CDN soldiers in combat. (First for Harper to even utter the world truth is enormous hypocrisy in my view.) Harper and most of the Cons wouldn’t know what the truth is if the truth jumped out in neon flashing lights enshrouded in the word truth. Second the real truth as reported by  is that the NDP and Liberals voted against the motion on the grounds that the Conservative government, maddeningly stingy with details about its plans, had failed to make a convincing case. The NDP had proposed an amendment to the motion that would have overhauled the motion entirely, focusing instead on supplying arms to local fighters and increasing humanitarian support. The amendment, however, was defeated 157-134. ( Follow the link they have the debate in audio there).

After Stephen Harper’s huge bout of hypocrisy and cherry picking truth. He then starts preening his peacock feathers and further states that the Cons wanted to give all the help they could to the brave Kurdish people who are resisting ISIL/ISIS and willing to take on the fighting themselves. Harper still claims that Canadians Soldiers are there to give advice and assistance in a robust way and that the Cons are absolutely following what they said they would do and will continue to do so. ( snip, until we vote you out). I am wondering why Harpoon is not congratulating Brave Canadian for taking on our fight against Harper's and his illegal unconstitutional bills.

Mulcair responded: Let’s look word for word what Stephen Harper actually told Canadians and word for word on what Parliament voted on. On Sept 30th,2014 Stephen Harper stated the terms are quite specific, it’s advising and assisting and NOT accompanying! ( snip) In fact you can find Stephen Harper quoting the same on other dates past Sept 30th that Canadians soldiers were only advising and assisting. So why did Sgt. Doiron end up being killed by accompanying and with friendly allies. Doesn’t make sense that Canadian Soldiers are there in Iraq for months and yet their Allies don’t recognize them and opens fire as if they were the enemy.  Harper is not telling the truth AGAIN IMO. He seems to have lied to Canadian people initially about this so called mission.

Mulcair further stated. The motion passed by the house stated that the Harper Government would not deploy military within the context of land operations. How is it that our soldiers are not only accompanying but the actually died on the Front Lines.

Harpoon spews, that there were a lot of falsehoods in Mulcair's question and that the mandate is specific and our soldiers are following that mandate word for word and that is still the case.

Justin Trudeau
- advises that this weekend the MOD Jason Kenny posted images of special forces in Iraq risking their safety and that Kenny also described the Muslim Shia Ashura ceremony as ISIS/ISIL enslavement. Jason Kenney also announced on social media that Corporal Nathan Cirillo had tragically died before his family and comrades knew. JT asks has Harpoon reprimanded Jason Kenny for any of his behavior.

Stephen Harpoon
played that Jason Kenny is new at the job card. Harper said  the Minister of  National Defense ( Jason Kenny) is new at this portfolio, is taking over one of the most important missions the Harper Government has at any time; and that is obviously the safety of our country and the execution of brave men and women who serve that country through various missions. And I have full confidence in our Minister of National Defense ( Kenny) said Harper. (Snip). So if he is taking on the most important mission shouldn’t a person with the glorified title of Minister of National Defense KNOW the difference between Actors/roll playing and reality in current living conditions. I would assume yes. Let us be reminded that Harper had confidence in Dean Del Mastro, Patrick Brazeau, Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy, and now let’s remember how that all panned out for Heave Steve 2015who seems to have confidence in a complete nincompoops.

Justin Trudeau replied the Immigration and the Defense Minister and the member from  New Brunswick South West have proven in word and indeed in recent days that the Harper Government is irresponsibly going after Minorities. Instead of attacking and dividing Canadians, the Harper Government should be putting its energy into an economic plan for this country. That’s the top priority. Trudeau asked,"Can the Harper Government tell us when they are going to table their budget."

sputtering,hotly replied that in lieu of Justin Trudeau’s speech last night, that it is clearly JT has taken an irresponsible position on minorities. ( snip) Can Stephen point out exactly where JT’s irresponsibility is in that speech? Here is his address.

Harper went on with stretched truth that his Governments economic plans is proven because there have been 1.2 million jobs since the recession. ( snip) Stephen Harper forgot to advise it was the Harper Gov incompetence that also added to the recession in terms of not being able to get people to buy into Conservative ideas for economic growth, simply Conservatives are not trusted when it comes to economics, they never usually tell the truth on the growth part and they are usually stealing from Peter to give to Paul so to speak.  It’s one of the best records in the world Stephen Harper sniffed. BTW in July 2014 Stephen Harper was quoted as saying 1.1 million jobs. I guess he thought making the number higher sounded better, that is if the numbers are accurate and not stretches of Harper's active delusional imagination. IE. That he is not lying, yet again.

Justin Trudeau went on to state– The Immigration minister called the Hijab an indefensible perversion of Canadian values. The Member from NB SW for his part said some pretty reprehensible things about foreign workers. Instead of dividing Canadians Stephen Harper should get his priorities straight and present his economic plans for Canadians to see. Justin Trudeau asked Once again when will Stephen Harper table the budget.

Harper then responds with the most outrageous lie of all that almost all Canadians oppose wearing face coverings during citizenship ceremonies. Really, I beg to differ from what I see most Canadians oppose the inequality stance that our election stealing so called leader has taken. It’s not too difficult to understand Stephen. Unless Mr. Harper can swear under oath that he asked all Canadians their opinion, his statement can be thought of as a lie. A few hundred to over a thousand ppl surveyed usually online, does not even begin to adequately represent Canadians citizens thoughts on the status quo on
niqab/hijab. In fact it is a pretty chauvinistic view point from Harper. I think Stephen should stop wearing his rug, but that doesn’t make me right or representative of all Canadians on whether Harper should wear a rug or not. Like hijab/niqab it is a matter of personal individual choice.  And I will tell you another thing, if Stephen Harper thinks this statement makes him look intelligent, he may want to think again.

Now for the biggest hypocritical lie coming from Harper. He had to mention transparency, he just had to mention it, when it was reported he quietly did away with transparency within his own government. Stevie had the Gall to say. It’s not difficult to understand we don’t’ allow people to cover their faces during citizenship ceremonies. Why would Canadians contrary to our  own values embrace a practice at that time that is not transparent, that is not open and frankly is rooted in a culture that is Anti Women. OH puleezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stop Harper’s out and out profound duplicity. If anyone is Anti women it is Stephen Harper.

Excerpt regarding the Muslim covering of faces ideology
These verses of Quran are known as the verses of Hijab and it is the consensus of Islamic scholars that they make the wearing of Hijab mandatory.  Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar do enforce a dress code.  Women there are expected to cover their hair and wear some sort of loose fitting, full-length garment over their clothes.  However, for the majority of Muslim women around the world, to cover, or not to cover, is a freely made choice. God requires Muslim women to dress modestly and to wear the Hijab in public and in the presence of men who are not close relatives.  ( Note Stephen Harpers Saudi pals ENFORCE dress codes)

Then Harper states and speaks for all of us that the covering of faces is unacceptable to Canadians and unacceptable to Canadian women. The same women he personally hates. Harpers’
misogynistic attitude towards women with his twisted perceptions and personal positions is what is unacceptable if not intolerable. And he absolutey does not speak for this Canadian women.